Piracicaba, 25th - This year, the total potato area is estimated to increase by 3.4% in Brazil, driven mainly by the expected growth in the par-fried industry after being stable in 2020. The growth for the segment, even in a pandemic scenario, is driven by the easing of restriction measures that affected the operation of bars and restaurants since August/2020.
For the 2021 drought harvest, the area is expected to drop again due to the limited profitability caused by production problems in the 2020 season. In winter 2021, there may be an increase in planting for the industry (mainly), and for the table market. Due to this scenario of reduction in plantations for both crops, average prices should remain above production costs in the first half of 2021. For the second half of the year, the increase in cultivation may pressure the prices.
To see other forecasts for the potato market in 2021, check the Annuary 2020-2021 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br