Piracicaba, 23rd – Last week (May 13th to 17th), it was possible to notice a significant increase in gala apple prices – Cat 1 registered an average of BRL 62,33 per box of 18 kg in Vacaria (Rio Grande do Sul state), appreciating 9% in relation to previous week. According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, the result was influenced by low supply of the variety, since classifiers are controlling it and the sector is facing crop loss this year.
For fuji, on the other hand, harvest is still happening and the last fruits harvested have lower quality. Thus, these are being sold by small producers at very low prices, what pushed down prices of other categories. For the coming weeks, with the end of fuji harvesting and supply stored only, agents expect stable prices or an increase per box.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br