Piracicaba, 18th – Apple production of 2020/21 season, harvested in the southern regions of Brazil until last month, should exceed the previous one. According to agents consulted by Hortifruti/Cepea, the volume can reach 1.28 million tons, an increase of 36% compared to the 2019/20 season. This increase is mainly due to the production-friendly climate during much of the orchard's development – there was an impact of hail, but in a punctual and localized way.
Not only did this scenario provide a higher supply, but also greater calibers compared to the previous year and good concentration in categories 1 and 2 – which are better paid. Despite this, agents are now concerned about payment, as the increase in Brazilian supply came at a time of economic crisis, which has pressed the apple quotes more than expected. And, not even the growth of apple exports this year, which aims to "relieve" the volume available here, compensated this scenario.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br