September 20, 2021
APPLE/CEPEA: It's time to import more, however...
Understand what factors have limited brazilian acquisitions

By Isabela Pegolo Alves and Marcela Barbieri
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APPLE/CEPEA: It's time to import more, however... See photos

Piracicaba, 20th - It is common for Brazilian apple imports to increase during the second semester, due to its usual national stocks decrease in this period, which makes room for the international one to enter the market. However, when compared to last year, this growth is timid in 2021. But why?

According to collaborators at Hortifruti/Cepea, this event may be linked to the greater national offer this year and the sky-high valuation of the dollar against the Real, which ends up increasing the price of imported fruit. Due to this scenario, Brazilian apple imports may even continue to increase in the coming months, but to a lesser extent compared to the previous year.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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Brazilian apple imports
greater national offer
growth is timid in 2021
HF Brasil
second semester
sky-high valuation of the dollar
to increase