Piracicaba, 18 - Blossom and pollination in South Brazilian apple orchards occurs in October. This year, according to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, these crop activities happened without problems – rain came just in the end of blossom. Thus, bees worked well.
However, there is a possibility of phenomenon El Niño acts in spring and summer, with 65% and 70% of chances, respectively, according to NOAA forecast. With El Niño actuation, more rain is expected for the South of Brazil, when apple season 2018/19 will be in development and harvest. A good volume of rain could be better to apple size – with more water, fruits will be bigger.
On the other hand, a lot of rain is not so good to crop activities – more diseases can affect orchards and production costs can increase.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br