August 9, 2018
APPLE/CEPEA: Trade balance start to decline
Though, imports can be limited by high exchange rate

By Letícia Julião
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APPLE/CEPEA: Trade balance start to decline See photos

Piracicaba, 09 - Trade balance of fresh apples shall start to decline from August on – exports finish this month. Until July, revenue from external sales (US$ 51.7 million) had overtaken imports spends (US$ 33.7 million) resulting in a positive US$ 18 million trade balance – Secex data. In the partial of 2018 (Jan-Jul) trade balance was 339% higher than the same months of 2017.

To the coming months, the forecast is high imports due to lower supply of Brazilian apples – since stocks are reducing. Besides that, European season starts and volume of production is bound to average, favoring exports to Brazil. On the other hand, dollar exchange rate is going up month by month and importers may reduce apple purchase considering high and not competitive prices of foreign fruits.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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