Piracicaba, 18th – The Brazilian exports of Frozen Concentrate Orange Juice (FCOJ) Equivalent have been increasing for two consecutive months. This season (July to August/19), Brazil has shipped 199.6 thousand tons of FCOJ Equivalent – to all destinations –, 19% more than that from the same period last year, according to data from Secex. Revenue, in turn, rose 6%, in the same comparison, totaling 336.64 million USD.
To the European Union, the number one destination for the Brazilian orange juice, national exports have totaled 140.3 thousand tons, 22% up compared to that between July and August/18. To the United States, on the other hand, Brazilian shipments have decreased again, by 13%, totaling only 32.8 thousand tons between July and August/19 – this result reflects the higher supply in Florida in the 2018/19 season and perspectives for a positive scenario in 2019/20.
PERSPECTIVES – Concerning production in Brazil, new estimates for the 2019/20 season released by Fundecitrus (Citrus Defense Fund) on September 10 indicate that the orange harvest in the citrus belt should total 388.42 million boxes (40.8 kilos each). This volume is only 0.12% smaller than that reported in May, but 35.8% higher than the amount harvested last season (2018/19).
According to Fundecitrus, lower estimates are based on the smaller rain amounts in São Paulo starting May, which reduced the average weight for the early varieties (hamlin, westin and rubi), from 138 to 136 grams, as well as the size, from 296 to 300 fruits per box.
Still according to the report from Fundecitrus, the harvesting of early oranges has totaled 96%, against 23% for pear oranges and 6% for late oranges. So far, the total volume harvested in the 2019/20 season is at 35%.
BRAZILIAN MARKET – Tahiti lime quotes increased in São Paulo State in the first fortnight of September, reflecting lower supply, since the fruits still on tree have not reached the ideal maturation and size to be harvested yet. Between September 2 and 13, tahiti lime prices averaged 47.48 BRL per 27-kilo box, harvested, 50.73% up compared to that in the first half of August.
Tahiti lime exports have reached record volumes this year, largely favored by the higher supply in Brazil between April and May. From January to August/19, exports of lemon and lime totaled 83.1 thousand tons, 9.3% up compared to that in the same period last year, according to Secex.
Concerning oranges, supply was still low in the in natura market, due to the fast crushing pace in the large sized processing plants from SP. In the in natura market, the demand for oranges was high in the first fortnight of the month. Thus, between Sept. 2 and 13, pear orange quotes averaged 18.99 BRL per 40.8-kilo box, on tree, 4.05% up compared to that in the first half of August.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br