Piracicaba 25th – The orange grinding from the 2024/25 harvest continues at full steam at Brazilian juice factories in the state of São Paulo. According to industrial agents, the orange variety “Pera” still accounts for the majority of processed volume, although the harvest rate is advancing, with significant growth in the share of late varieties (“Valência” and “Natal”). This advance is due to the characteristics of this harvest, which has a high proportion of first-flowering fruits.
Data from Fundecitrus (Citriculture Defense Fund) shows that 64% of the oranges produced during this harvest correspond to first-flowering fruits, a number well above the last four seasons, which had, at most, 36% of the oranges in this category. Thus, it is very likely that the grinding process will slow down sooner this year – the second flowering refers to fruits that will be harvested from October onwards, according to Fundecitrus.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br