February 6, 2020
FORECAST 2020: Apple
What to expect for the market this year?

By Ana Raquel Mendes and Marcela Barbieri
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FORECAST 2020: Apple See photos

Piracicaba, 6th – Apple harvest of 2019/20 season began to gain pace in South of Brazil in February 2020, two weeks late due to mild winter.

Due to dry climate during fruit filling, a greater harvest of medium and small calibers is expected. Even with the reduction in caliber, volume tends to remain similar to past harvest, seen as harvest resumes of gala.

As a result, good supply of apples with smaller calibers can favor exports to markets that favor this fruit profile (such as Bangladesh and Ireland), "relieving" domestic supply and sustaining good profitability to the sector.

To see other forecasts for the apple market in 2020, see the Annuary 2019-2020 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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2019/20 season
HF Brasil