March 11, 2020
What to expect for the market this year?

By Marcelo Franzini Erhart de Barros and Marina Marangon
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FORECAST 2020: ONION	See photos

Piracicaba, 11 – Onion season 2019/20 in the South of Brazil (November 2019 to May 2020) offer is higher in relation to last crop. The reason is better weather conditions during the development and harvest, which favored production. This scenario pressed quotes down and profitability must be limited.

In Northeast, Midwest and Southeast, the forecast is an increase in planted area, which may impact negatively on quotes. However, the increase expected is not expressive and won’t reach 2018 levels. Considering this, prices might be higher than production cost. 

To see other forecasts for the onion market in 2020, see the Annuary 2019-2020 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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