Piracicaba, 25th – The total area of tomatoes can be partially recovered by 4.5% in 2021 in Brazil. Despite this, the area in the table segment is expected to stabilize compared to 2020 (+ 0.1%). The industry should increase its planting by 10% compared to 2020, recovering a portion of the area that was reducted in 2018 and 2019.
For the table market, the expectations for the first part of the winter harvest is of a further decrease of 2.1% in the area while in the annual season the estimate is of a recovery of 1.5% - for the other seasons; the bet is on stability in 2021. Despite the positive profitability in the 2019/20 summer harvest, the uncertainties caused by the pandemic and the increase in production costs limited investments in 2020/21 – a decrease of 1.8%. Given the little change in the table market area, prices are expected to exceed production costs.
To see other forecasts for the tomato market in 2021, check the Annuary 2020-2021 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine
Source: hfbrasil.org.br