Piracicaba, 26 – Brazilian exports of grapes decreased in the first semester of 2024. According to Comex Stat data, almost 5 thousand tons were shipped in this period, a decrease of 69% in comparison with the same months of 2023. Revenue also fell 65%, reaching US$ 14 million.
Shipments were affected by low supply and quality of grapes, since rains occured between February and April in Vale do São Francisco (Pernambuco and Bahia states), the main exporter region. Another factor was the high price of white seedless grapes in the domestic market.
On the other hand, imports increased in comparison with 2023, to compensate the lack of grapes in the Brazilian market. However, international purchases are still above the historical level, but higher than in the last four years. In this scenario, trade balance was negative in the first semester of 2024: imports summed 7.8 thousand tons (+17.4% over the first semester of 2023) and US$ 16.4 million (+55.6% in the same comparison).
Source: hfbrasil.org.br and Comex Stat