May 3, 2018
GRAPE/CEPEA: São Francisco Valley intensifies harvest
Increase in volume press quotes down

By Letícia Julião
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GRAPE/CEPEA: São Francisco Valley intensifies harvest See photos

Piracicaba, 03rd - White and black seedless grape supplies are increasing and prices for these varieties are going down in São Francisco Valley (Bahia and Pernambuco states).

Since April, a large part of white table grape production, as arra 15 and sweet globe varieties, was invalidated for exports due to seed traces. So, these grapes were sold in Brazilian market at lower prices. In the case of BRS vitória variety (black seedless), even with exports going as planned, supply also increases in domestic market because recent vineyards are in full production this year.

With higher supply of seedless grapes, prices tend to go down in May. In April, BRS vitória was sold by BRL 8.42/kg in São Francisco Valley, prices 3% lower than March (Hortifruti/Cepea data). White seedless grapes were sold by BRL 6.92/kg in April, fall of 8% in the same comparison.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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arra 15
Brazilian grapes
brs vitória
HF Brasil
são francisco valley
seedless grapes
sweet globe
table grape