May 30, 2017
HORTIFRUTI/CEPEA: Brazilian fruits beat record of exports in 2017
Numbers are from the first four months of this year

By Caroline Ribeiro
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HORTIFRUTI/CEPEA:  Brazilian fruits beat record of exports in 2017 See photos

Piracicaba, 30 - Among the eight kinds of fruit Hortifruti/Cepea do market analyses, six of them (papaya, mango, watermelon, melon, table grape and lemon/lime) beat record of exports in the first four months of this year – Secex data.

In fact, exports are usually less bulky in the first semester, but numbers in recent months surprised players. Some causes of this scenario are the major supply in Brazil (due to good climate) and weak domestic demand.

Table grapes, in addition, had favorable exports because of increasing demand for new seedless varieties. As for melons and watermelons, shipments were favored by previous contracts. Besides that, low prices of fruits in Brazilian market may be improving external sales as well.

The table below shows export numbers between January and April of 2017:


Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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