Piracicaba, 18th – After successive drop in May, lettuce quotes have increased since the beginning of June. The reason is the reduction in volume – due to a decrease in planted area and a delay in the production cycle of lettuce in cold weather.
However, demand tend to be reduced in winter season, when traditionally, consumption of lettuce is low. Until now, quality has not been affected by “winter diseases”. According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, the reason is that producers are investing more in seed varieties resistant to míldio – reducing the disease in production.
Last week (June 10th to 14th) garden lettuce quotes rose 40%, closing at BRL 16.66 per box of 20 units. The forecast for the coming weeks is: dry weather and a big range of temperature along the day. These conditions cause a “stress” in plants and might impact in productivity and quality.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br