September 6, 2018
LETTUCE/CEPEA: Weather conditions contributes to production
High supply reduces producers? profitability

By Isabela Camargo e Marina Marangon
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LETTUCE/CEPEA: Weather conditions contributes to production	See photos

Piracicaba, 6th –  Lettuce production is expected to be good this month in São Paulo state, due to favorable climate – dry weather and mild temperatures. Consequently, supply is expected to remain high and prices tend to be low at least until the end of winter period (September 22nd).

Because of low quotes, profitability level is unsatisfactory and lettuce producers intend to reduce the seedling transplanting in September. In Mogi das Cruzes, garden lettuce was sold by BRL 10.00 per box of 20 units this week, a depreciation of around 22% in relation to the previous week. According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, quality of products is good.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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