Hortifruti Brasil Magazine
March 11, 2016
The Water Crisis: Is this subject a thing of the past?

In this edition, the Hortifruti/Cepea evaluates whether the water crisis has actually been overcome in horticultural regions most affected recently and if there is enough water for planting and development of fruits and vegetables throughout the year. We also hear experts about until when the mood in the country is under the influence of El Niño, which increases rains in the South and Southeast. We also have forecasts that La Niña may occur, which would bring above-average rains in the North and Northeast, leaving the South and Southeast drier. In this edition, we also report on the main events of the fruit and vegetable market. The highlight is that some cultures have reached record prices because of the limited supply in some regions of Brazil.

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June 26, 2024
MINUTO HF: HF production in Rio Grande do Sul suffers losses and could affect the next harvest