December 10, 2021
MELON/CEPEA: Exports break record!
Valued dollar favors shipments

By Vitor Provinciatto Gonçalves and Marcela Barbieri
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MELON/CEPEA: Exports break record! See photos

Piracicaba, 10th - The melon exports of the 2021/22 crop in Brazil started slowly. However, in recent months, shipments have taken off, making the partial volume exported from the campaign the third largest in the historical series of the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex). The partial harvest (August to November) totaled 125,000 tons, an increase of 11% over the same period last season, according to Secex. Revenue in dollars totaled US$ 83 million (FOB), a 13% increase in the same comparison.

Considering annual data, the scenario is even more positive, breaking the record in the same historical series mentioned above. From January to November, exports totaled 214,000 tons, with revenue of US$ 137 million (FOB), both with an increase of approximately 5% compared to the previous record - from 2019, in volume, and from 2017, in revenue. According to agents consulted by Hortifruti/Cepea, the good results are due to the strong dollar against the Real, the good foreign demand and the dismay of producers regarding domestic trade.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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2021/22 crop
breaking the record
HF Brasil
melon exports
shipments have taken off