September 2, 2024
MELON/CEPEA: Harvest of São Francisco Valley ends
What will the off-season look like?

By Ana Karolina Hellhuber and Marcela Barbieri
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MELON/CEPEA: Harvest of São Francisco Valley ends See photos

Piracicaba, 2nd – The main melon harvest in the São Francisco Valley (Bahia and Pernambuco states), which began in April, has recently concluded. Overall, producers experienced positive profitability, despite the increase in production costs, due to adverse weather at the beginning of the season. According Hortifrúti/Cepea data, the average selling price of yellow melon to producer was BRL 2.44 per kilogram between April and July, an increase of 29% compared to same period in the previous year; while the cost of production was BRL 1.30 per kilogram, an increase of 39%

 And how will this scenario impact the off-season? According to local producers, it’s common to reduce the planted area during this period, and this trend is expected to continue this year, due to competition with the harvest of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará states. So far, a similar level of cultivation to last year's is anticipated in the Bahia/Pernambuco market; however, if exports from Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará increase as expected and "relieve" the domestic market, there may be greater planting.


Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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HF Brasil
main melon harvest
positive profitability
reduce the planted area
são francisco valley