November 9, 2017
ONION/CEPEA: Southern season starts in November
Price forecast is positive this season

By Beatriz Casagrande e Marina Marangon
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ONION/CEPEA: Southern season starts in November See photos

Piracicaba, 09 - Onion harvest starts in November in two producer regions in the South of the country: São José do Norte (Rio Grande do Sul state) and Ituporanga (Santa Catarina state). According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, the harvest was anticipated in 15 days, plant development was accelerated by lack of water in the regions during growth. Due to adverse weather conditions, productivity may be affected – the forecast is a drop of up to 20%. For this season, the planted area reduced in most of the onion producing regions. So, it is expected that volume will be lower and, consequently, prices tend to be higher than the ones of previous season for onion producers.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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