Piracicaba, 24th – Low supply of grapes in first semester of 2019 pushed prices up, mainly in Northest of Brazil. Despite of that, imports did not increase, and exports went up last year.
All producer regions registered positive profitability, but in some ones, margins were restricted. In Jales (São Paulo state) and Pirapora (Minas Gerais state), the scenario was very positive, mainly to niagara variety, since these were the only regions supplying this fruit between June and October.
Season 2018/19 from South and Southest of Brazil had good results. Mid-season of 2019, on the other hand, had restricted margins, what is discouraging producers to invest in a second season in the future.
To see the details about the grape market in 2019, visit the Annuary 2019-2020 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br