February 6, 2020
OVERVIEW 2019: Lettuce
How was the market last year?

By Isabela Camargo e Marina Marangon
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OVERVIEW 2019: Lettuce See photos

Piracicaba, 30th – In general, quotes of lettuce along the year of 2019 provided a satisfactory profitability margin to Brazilian producers – especially in the first semester.

In summer season (2018/19), prices closed in high and above production cost in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states. The good scenario was motivated by lower supply and great demand.

On the other hand, winter season between July and November did not provide good return to producers. Even with a reduction in area planted, weather conditions were favorable to plant development and high productivity pressed quotes down. Profitability was negative in certain periods.

To see the details about the lettuce market in 2019, visit the Annuary 2019-2020 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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lettuce prices
quotes of lettuce