February 6, 2020
OVERVIEW 2019: Tomato
How was the market last year?

By Raquel Moreira Sabelli, Lenise A. Molena, Juliana Acácio Toledo Parede e João Paulo Bernardes Deleo
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OVERVIEW 2019: Tomato See photos

Piracicaba, 30th – In 2019, tomato planted area in Brazil was 8.4% smaller than 2018. The reduction in area was 2.1% for table tomato and 16% for industry tomate. The accumulated decrease in the past two years was above 30%.

As a result, in 2019, quotes closed well above production cost. In spite of this good scenario, prices dropped sharply in the second semester. High temperatures accelerated fruit maturation what promoted a significant increase in the second part of winter season. Oversupply caused loss for most part of tomato producers.

To see the details about the tomato market in 2019, visit the Annuary 2019-2020 from Hortifruti Brasil magazine.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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