Piracicaba, 17th - Brazilian papaya exports reached a record high in the 2021 partial (January to November). According to data from Secex, the volume totaled 46,000 tons, an increase of 17% over the same period in 2020. The amount received also increased, 22% in the same comparison, reaching US$ 46 million (FOB).
According to agents consulted by Hortifruti/Cepea, with the domestic market weakened and the dollar appreciated, exporting-producers destined a greater part of their products for exports. The European Union's growing demand for papaya also contributed to this year's record.
For next year, the trend is for papaya exports to remain at these levels or even increase, as European demand are growing. However, the reduced supply of papaya can act as a barrier to this increase, due to the recent decrease in the planted area in Brazil.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br