Piracicaba, 31st – For the 15th year consecutive year, the Hortifruti Brasil team met with producers and specialists from Mogi Guaçu (São Paulo estate) to understand and analize the tomato production costs from for 2023 to in the region. Furthermore, the professionals did a budget for 2024, considering the cost changes. In 2023, the Total Costs consolidated were above the budget made during the last harvest, as during the second semester, production costs rose again. It’s important to emphasize that more than a half of the areas in Mogi Guaçu are leased fields because of the necessity for crop rotations to produce tomatoes.
Considering that, the lease prices increased 18.2% in 2023. This scenario can be explained because of the negociations for these areas occurred at times of rising prices, reflecting high prices for commodities such as corn and soybean. For the winter harvest of 2024, the perspective is that the implementation structure costs will increase to BRL 16,167.00 for each hectare. The list of items that make up the infrastructure costs was the same in 2023 and should remain so in 2024, with prices adjustments between 10% and 25%. The plastic box for harvesting was stable since 2021, but its price increased in 2024 to BRL 22.00. One of the biggest incressing items was the seedling costs, which suffered a considerable readjustment since 2021 because of the technological change. In Mogi Guaçu areas, most producers are using grafted seedlings, which have a higher cost than ungrafted seedlings. To see the complete cost table, access the Hortifruti Brasil magazine June edition.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br