May 26, 2020
TOMATO/CEPEA: Winter season begins to intensify
Profitability is positive in May, but tends to drop

By Raquel Moreira Sabelli, Juliana Acácio Toledo Parede, João Paulo Bernardes Deleo e Marina Marangon
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TOMATO/CEPEA: Winter season begins to intensify See photos

Piracicaba, 26th – Prices of tomato salad variety in Brazilian market closed at BRL 44.58 per box in May (1st to 21th) – value 40% above estimated tomato production costs. However, during this month, quotes have been facing constant devaluations and, last week, were close to costs, limiting profitability.

This scenario is caused by an intensification of winter season 2020 and, the forecast is for a gradual increase in tomato supply, since harvest will be at full stretch. The volume harvested is not higher because of lower temperatures that contributed to slow down ripening.

In general, climate conditions have been favorable to the crop: dry weather provides high productivity. In Sumaré (São Paulo state) production achieved 400 boxes per thousand plants.

For the coming weeks, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro states will start the winter season. According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, this month, 36% of the total national area of tomato winter season will be harvested.

Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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