January 10, 2017
Total area of fruit and vegetables grows 1.28% in 2016 in Brazil
Area of vegetables increase; fruits are almost stable

By Margarete Boteon, Fernanda Geraldini, Larissa Pagliuca, Letícia Julião and João Paulo Deleo
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Total area of fruit and vegetables grows 1.28% in 2016 in Brazil See photos

Vegetables: The expectation for acreage in 2016 and summer-season 2016/17 is an increase of 3.41% in area in comparison with last period. The area of potato has the major increase due to industry of frozen french fries in Brazil. For carrots, new producers initiated in the sector. For onion, good profitability of last year encouraged producers. For lettuce, the area in green belts of São Paulo state keeps stable. On the other hand, the area of fresh tomato went down in important regions because of low profitability in winter-season.

Fruits: In 2016, the area of fruits was reduced 0.75% taking into account 2015. For bananas, there was an increase in Minas Gerais and São Francisco Valley but it didn’t compensate for the big fall in Rio Grande do Norte/Ceará states, where the lack of water pressured the area. For mango, there was an increase in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states and a recover in Bahia. The investments in banana and mango almost compensated the descent for apple, melon, papaya, table grape and watermelon.

Source: Hortifruti/Cepea

* Data is based on main production areas


Source: hfbrasil.org.br

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