Hortifruti Brasil Magazine
June 12, 2023
After two years of sharp rise, vegetable production costs will cool down in 2023

Hortifruti Brasil team brings good news to tomato and onion Brazilian producers: after experiencing two years of significant cost increases, the scenario indicates that vegetable producers can finally expect a period that is a little “calmer” in 2023. In this Special Vegetables 2023, HF Brasil presents the results of the 2023/23 summer tomato crop in Caçador (Santa Catarina state), tomate winter crop in Mogi Guaçu (São Paulo state) and onion in Lebon Régis (Santa Catarina state). Check out in this issue!

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June 26, 2024
MINUTO HF: HF production in Rio Grande do Sul suffers losses and could affect the next harvest