Piracicaba, 30th – Cavendish banana price has fallen in Brazilian producing regions this month. In Vale do Ribeira (São Paulo state), for example, the first quality variety was sold for BRL 1.05 per kg in the partial of the month (April, 1st to 23th), a value 34% lower compared to the same period in March and 16% lower than the partial of April 2020.
According to Hortifruti/Cepea collaborators, this scenario, along with high production costs, concerns, because despite the supply increase in Vale do Ribeira, production remained controlled in Norte de Santa Catarina, another big producer region, since the banana plantations are still recovering from the cyclone bomb. Thus, the increase in volume has not occurred at the same levels as it did in previous years.
Still according to collaborators, the drop in price must reflect the economic and operating restrictions caused by the crisis of covid-19 in Brazil.
Source: hfbrasil.org.br